Your ideas, Winona’s future


The City of Winona is working on a major update to its Comprehensive Plan, and Engage Winona is leading public engagement for the project. Throughout 2022, we are seeking input from community members to hear what is important to you about the community today and looking 10-20 years into the future.

As we go along, we want to hear the issues you’re most affected by, what’s working, changes you want to see, and ideas you have for Winona’s future goals and policies.

The project is now nearing completion, and a draft plan will be released in spring 2023 prior to final approval in summer 2023.

The Comprehensive Plan, last updated in 2007, is an opportunity to identify policies, programs, and projects that will address current issues and future concerns. With the involvement of the full community, the city wants to create a unified vision of Winona’s future. The plan will then serve as a road map for how the city and its elected officials approach decision-making in the coming years.

What we heard: Phase 3 report

From December 2022-January 2023, all who live, work, and play in Winona were invited to give input on the Interim Report of the City of Winona Comprehensive Plan Update. The purpose of the Interim Report was to provide community members with an update on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan Update, and offer another opportunity for input prior to the creation of the draft plan.

In the engagement report below, you’ll find a summary of the input received. A complete set of raw data is also available with the release of this report, and the Interim Report itself is available to read as well.

Read the engagement report - a summary of all of the comments and data

Raw data from open houses and surveys (xlsx file)

Raw data from online Interim Report comments (xlsx file)

Read the Interim Report with inline comments

Read comments received during 2022, prior to the Interim Report

The Comprehensive Plan Update is an overarching plan that sets specific, achievable goals that the city and community can work toward over the next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan Update covers 12 topics, including land use, housing, economic development, transportation, downtown, and more.

The Comprehensive Plan Update project is being led by a steering committee of 12 Winona residents appointed by Mayor Scott Sherman, along with city staff and consultants from HKGi and Engage Winona. In addition, more than 100 city residents participated in subcommittees to create the goals and strategies in the Interim Report.

Stay connected

Visit the City of Winona’s webpage about the project for the most updated info. On social media, you can follow the project’s Facebook page at /CityofWinonaCompPlan and Instagram @CityofWinonaCompPlan. You can also sign up for the project newsletter.

We are rolling out a variety of opportunities to get involved and have your voice heard throughout 2022. Find our Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports below. 

What we heard: Phase 1 Report

From October-December 2021, Engage Winona heard from over 2,000 community members in Engagement Phase 1! We hosted community conversations, led targeted outreach to stakeholders and underserved populations, launched online survey tools, and hosted a pop-up booth at community gatherings. You can leave anonymous feedback on the report here.

Read the summary report (12 pages)

Read the full report (60 pages!)

Read the appendix: Dreams! (about 20 pages of dreams)

View or download the raw data (xlsx file)

What we heard: Phase 2 Report

In fall 2021, Engage Winona asked over 2,000 folks across Winona to share what they value about Winona, along with their hopes and dreams for Winona’s future. Based on the comments received and input from the Comprehensive Plan Update steering committee, a draft 2045 vision and values statement was created. 

In February 2022, Engage Winona sought additional feedback on the draft from the community with an online survey, and the Comprehensive Plan Update project team created a new draft in March 2022

The vision is a concise, overarching statement of the community’s aspirations for how the city should feel, look, function, and evolve over the next 20 years. The vision reflects the community's core values and provides a foundation upon which to build and evaluate the rest of the comprehensive planning process.

Read the summary report

Read the raw data

What the plan will consider

The new Comprehensive Plan will cover the following topics, with equity, technology, and sustainability woven into each topic. Two more topics have been added based on the input we received during the first phase of community engagement: downtown + riverfront, and community services.

Land Use and Development

Winona is situated on an island, so how we use the land is important. The plan will update growth recommendations and examine land use both within Winona and immediately adjacent to the city. Other components include continued development of Winona’s riverfront and riverfront trail and future investment in neighborhood commercial areas.

Housing and Neighborhoods

As Winona’s population ages and baby boomers look to age in place, the plan will look at increasing housing choice so people can stay in their community. The plan will also examine gaps in housing supply and consider what people are looking for when coming to live in Winona. The plan will identify distinct characteristics and needs of city neighborhoods, such as the East End, the WSU area, the neighborhoods by Lake Winona, the valleys, and others.

Economic Development

Winona has a solid base of economic activity and employment options. The plan will look at ways for Winona to maintain and develop its competitive edge. This includes workforce development, including necessities such as childcare, recreation, and livability. The plan will also look at physical development, riverfront development, and the commercial harbor.


The plan will reference the Natural Resources and Sustainability Plan that is currently being developed. Aspects of the plan will include alternative energy, climate change, water resources, stormwater management, open space, and more.


The plan will focus on feasible projects the city can implement to safely facilitate all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bikers, vehicles, and trucks. It will be updated to include Mn/DOT (state) projects that have occurred since 2007, such as the new bridge. The plan will look at transit, the airport, and water traffic as well.

Historic Preservation

Winona is rich in historic resources, and the plan will connect historical preservation to economic development and reinvestment in the city core. The plan will also explore historic preservation in regard to neighborhood identities and development practices.

Accessible Government

The plan will suggest ways to increase participation and representation on City Boards and the City Council, including incorporating technology to increase efficiency and access.

Arts and Culture

Winona is known as an arts destination, and the plan will reference the Arts and Culture Strategic Plan, which is currently underway.

Park and Recreation

Many people in Winona love our parks and recreation spaces. The plan will reference the existing Parks Plan and Bluffs Traverse Plan, include updates for park development and maintenance, and look at connections through the community.

Transformative Projects

After the first phase of engagement, the plan will generate some ideas for big projects that cover multiple sections, and then seek input on which projects rise to the top and are attainable.